These kits will elevate the literacy of your donor advised fund holders and or your most important donors. It will encourage them to invest in your most audacious dreams. Imagine not having to fight uphill battles with traditional ways of thinking about salaries, overhead and impact. Imagine having a donor ecosystem around you that is cheering you on to do something bigger, and willing to invest top get you there. This kit will literally stimulate that kind of conversation.
Each kit mails in its own custom box with the message, “Today is the first day of the rest of your philanthropy” on the cover and includes:
1 enrollment to the Bold Training Online, with a unique access code that belongs to each individual and is theirs to use for their own learning as long as they like. Three and a half hours of engaging, counterintuitive learning, divided into seven, go-at-your-own pace modules, with embedded quizzes and innovation exercises.
Available upon completion of the Training.
A one-hour read that reinforces the key elements of the Bold Training.
To further develop the conversation and the ideas that it inspires.
A one-hour monograph that will re-orient the way donors in community think about community organizing and the investment required in it to create real community change.
Contact us about bulk discounts for quantities in excess of 50.